Membuat Real-Time Monitoring MikroTik dengan PHP - Rumah IT



Membuat Real-Time Monitoring MikroTik dengan PHP

Membuat Real-Time Monitoring MikroTik dengan PHP

MikroTik menyediakan API untuk terhubung dengan aplikasi pihak ketiga termasuk aplikasi yang dibangun menggunakan PHP. Pada tutorial kali ini kita akan membuat program PHP sederhana untuk memonitoring trafik dari interface MikroTik secara real-time dengan memanfaatkan API MikroTik.

Komponen utama dalam pembuatan program PHP ini adalah file routeros_api.class.php yang berisi beberapa fungsi untuk menghubungkan perangkat MikroTik. Parameter yang digunakan untuk koneksi mikrotik adalah IP router, username, password dan port MikroTik. Port bawaan untuk koneksi mikrotik dengan aplikasi pihak ketiga menggunakan nomor port 8728.

Isi dari file routeros_api.class.php


class RouterosAPI
    var $debug     = false; //  Show debug information
    var $connected = false; //  Connection state
    //var $port      = 8728;  //  Port to connect to (default 8729 for ssl)
    var $ssl       = false; //  Connect using SSL (must enable api-ssl in IP/Services)
    var $timeout   = 3;     //  Connection attempt timeout and data read timeout
    var $attempts  = 5;     //  Connection attempt count
    var $delay     = 3;     //  Delay between connection attempts in seconds

    var $socket;            //  Variable for storing socket resource
    var $error_no;          //  Variable for storing connection error number, if any
    var $error_str;         //  Variable for storing connection error text, if any

    /* Check, can be var used in foreach  */
    public function isIterable($var)
        return $var !== null
                && (is_array($var)
                || $var instanceof Traversable
                || $var instanceof Iterator
                || $var instanceof IteratorAggregate

     * Print text for debug purposes
     * @param string      $text       Text to print
     * @return void
    public function debug($text)
        if ($this->debug) {
            echo $text . "\n";

     * @param string        $length
     * @return void
    public function encodeLength($length)
        if ($length < 0x80) {
            $length = chr($length);
        } elseif ($length < 0x4000) {
            $length |= 0x8000;
            $length = chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($length & 0xFF);
        } elseif ($length < 0x200000) {
            $length |= 0xC00000;
            $length = chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) . chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($length & 0xFF);
        } elseif ($length < 0x10000000) {
            $length |= 0xE0000000;
            $length = chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) . chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) . chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($length & 0xFF);
        } elseif ($length >= 0x10000000) {
            $length = chr(0xF0) . chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) . chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) . chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($length & 0xFF);

        return $length;

     * Login to RouterOS
     * @param string      $ip         Hostname (IP or domain) of the RouterOS server
     * @param string      $login      The RouterOS username
     * @param string      $password   The RouterOS password
     * @return boolean                If we are connected or not
    public function connect($ip, $port, $login, $password)
        for ($ATTEMPT = 1; $ATTEMPT <= $this->attempts; $ATTEMPT++) {
            $this->connected = false;
            $PROTOCOL = ($this->ssl ? 'ssl://' : '' );
            $context = stream_context_create(array('ssl' => array('ciphers' => 'ADH:ALL', 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false)));
            $this->debug('Connection attempt #' . $ATTEMPT . ' to ' . $PROTOCOL . $ip . ':' . $port . '...');
            $this->socket = @stream_socket_client($PROTOCOL . $ip.':'. $port, $this->error_no, $this->error_str, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT,$context);
            if ($this->socket) {
                socket_set_timeout($this->socket, $this->timeout);
                $this->write('/login', false);
                $this->write('=name=' . $login, false);
                $this->write('=password=' . $password);
                $RESPONSE = $this->read(false);
                if (isset($RESPONSE[0])) {
                    if ($RESPONSE[0] == '!done') {
                        if (!isset($RESPONSE[1])) {
                            // Login method post-v6.43
                            $this->connected = true;
                        } else {
                            // Login method pre-v6.43
                            $MATCHES = array();
                            if (preg_match_all('/[^=]+/i', $RESPONSE[1], $MATCHES)) {
                                if ($MATCHES[0][0] == 'ret' && strlen($MATCHES[0][1]) == 32) {
                                    $this->write('/login', false);
                                    $this->write('=name=' . $login, false);
                                    $this->write('=response=00' . md5(chr(0) . $password . pack('H*', $MATCHES[0][1])));
                                    $RESPONSE = $this->read(false);
                                    if (isset($RESPONSE[0]) && $RESPONSE[0] == '!done') {
                                        $this->connected = true;

        if ($this->connected) {
        } else {
        return $this->connected;

     * Disconnect from RouterOS
     * @return void
    public function disconnect()
        // let's make sure this socket is still valid.  it may have been closed by something else
        if( is_resource($this->socket) ) {
        $this->connected = false;

     * Parse response from Router OS
     * @param array       $response   Response data
     * @return array                  Array with parsed data
    public function parseResponse($response)
        if (is_array($response)) {
            $PARSED      = array();
            $CURRENT     = null;
            $singlevalue = null;
            foreach ($response as $x) {
                if (in_array($x, array('!fatal','!re','!trap'))) {
                    if ($x == '!re') {
                        $CURRENT =& $PARSED[];
                    } else {
                        $CURRENT =& $PARSED[$x][];
                } elseif ($x != '!done') {
                    $MATCHES = array();
                    if (preg_match_all('/[^=]+/i', $x, $MATCHES)) {
                        if ($MATCHES[0][0] == 'ret') {
                            $singlevalue = $MATCHES[0][1];
                        $CURRENT[$MATCHES[0][0]] = (isset($MATCHES[0][1]) ? $MATCHES[0][1] : '');

            if (empty($PARSED) && !is_null($singlevalue)) {
                $PARSED = $singlevalue;

            return $PARSED;
        } else {
            return array();

     * Parse response from Router OS
     * @param array       $response   Response data
     * @return array                  Array with parsed data
    public function parseResponse4Smarty($response)
        if (is_array($response)) {
            $PARSED      = array();
            $CURRENT     = null;
            $singlevalue = null;
            foreach ($response as $x) {
                if (in_array($x, array('!fatal','!re','!trap'))) {
                    if ($x == '!re') {
                        $CURRENT =& $PARSED[];
                    } else {
                        $CURRENT =& $PARSED[$x][];
                } elseif ($x != '!done') {
                    $MATCHES = array();
                    if (preg_match_all('/[^=]+/i', $x, $MATCHES)) {
                        if ($MATCHES[0][0] == 'ret') {
                            $singlevalue = $MATCHES[0][1];
                        $CURRENT[$MATCHES[0][0]] = (isset($MATCHES[0][1]) ? $MATCHES[0][1] : '');
            foreach ($PARSED as $key => $value) {
                $PARSED[$key] = $this->arrayChangeKeyName($value);
            return $PARSED;
            if (empty($PARSED) && !is_null($singlevalue)) {
                $PARSED = $singlevalue;
        } else {
            return array();

     * Change "-" and "/" from array key to "_"
     * @param array       $array      Input array
     * @return array                  Array with changed key names
    public function arrayChangeKeyName(&$array)
        if (is_array($array)) {
            foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
                $tmp = str_replace("-", "_", $k);
                $tmp = str_replace("/", "_", $tmp);
                if ($tmp) {
                    $array_new[$tmp] = $v;
                } else {
                    $array_new[$k] = $v;
            return $array_new;
        } else {
            return $array;

     * Read data from Router OS
     * @param boolean     $parse      Parse the data? default: true
     * @return array                  Array with parsed or unparsed data
    public function read($parse = true)
        $RESPONSE     = array();
        $receiveddone = false;
        while (true) {
            // Read the first byte of input which gives us some or all of the length
            // of the remaining reply.
            $BYTE   = ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
            $LENGTH = 0;
            // If the first bit is set then we need to remove the first four bits, shift left 8
            // and then read another byte in.
            // We repeat this for the second and third bits.
            // If the fourth bit is set, we need to remove anything left in the first byte
            // and then read in yet another byte.
            if ($BYTE & 128) {
                if (($BYTE & 192) == 128) {
                    $LENGTH = (($BYTE & 63) << 8) + ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
                } else {
                    if (($BYTE & 224) == 192) {
                        $LENGTH = (($BYTE & 31) << 8) + ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
                        $LENGTH = ($LENGTH << 8) + ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
                    } else {
                        if (($BYTE & 240) == 224) {
                            $LENGTH = (($BYTE & 15) << 8) + ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
                            $LENGTH = ($LENGTH << 8) + ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
                            $LENGTH = ($LENGTH << 8) + ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
                        } else {
                            $LENGTH = ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
                            $LENGTH = ($LENGTH << 8) + ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
                            $LENGTH = ($LENGTH << 8) + ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
                            $LENGTH = ($LENGTH << 8) + ord(fread($this->socket, 1));
            } else {
                $LENGTH = $BYTE;

            $_ = "";

            // If we have got more characters to read, read them in.
            if ($LENGTH > 0) {
                $_      = "";
                $retlen = 0;
                while ($retlen < $LENGTH) {
                    $toread = $LENGTH - $retlen;
                    $_ .= fread($this->socket, $toread);
                    $retlen = strlen($_);
                $RESPONSE[] = $_;
                $this->debug('>>> [' . $retlen . '/' . $LENGTH . '] bytes read.');

            // If we get a !done, make a note of it.
            if ($_ == "!done") {
                $receiveddone = true;

            $STATUS = socket_get_status($this->socket);
            if ($LENGTH > 0) {
                $this->debug('>>> [' . $LENGTH . ', ' . $STATUS['unread_bytes'] . ']' . $_);

            if ((!$this->connected && !$STATUS['unread_bytes']) || ($this->connected && !$STATUS['unread_bytes'] && $receiveddone)) {

        if ($parse) {
            $RESPONSE = $this->parseResponse($RESPONSE);

        return $RESPONSE;

     * Write (send) data to Router OS
     * @param string      $command    A string with the command to send
     * @param mixed       $param2     If we set an integer, the command will send this data as a "tag"
     *                                If we set it to boolean true, the funcion will send the comand and finish
     *                                If we set it to boolean false, the funcion will send the comand and wait for next command
     *                                Default: true
     * @return boolean                Return false if no command especified
    public function write($command, $param2 = true)
        if ($command) {
            $data = explode("\n", $command);
            foreach ($data as $com) {
                $com = trim($com);
                fwrite($this->socket, $this->encodeLength(strlen($com)) . $com);
                $this->debug('<<< [' . strlen($com) . '] ' . $com);

            if (gettype($param2) == 'integer') {
                fwrite($this->socket, $this->encodeLength(strlen('.tag=' . $param2)) . '.tag=' . $param2 . chr(0));
                $this->debug('<<< [' . strlen('.tag=' . $param2) . '] .tag=' . $param2);
            } elseif (gettype($param2) == 'boolean') {
                fwrite($this->socket, ($param2 ? chr(0) : ''));

            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Write (send) data to Router OS
     * @param string      $com        A string with the command to send
     * @param array       $arr        An array with arguments or queries
     * @return array                  Array with parsed
    public function comm($com, $arr = array())
        $count = count($arr);
        $this->write($com, !$arr);
        $i = 0;
        if ($this->isIterable($arr)) {
            foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
                switch ($k[0]) {
                    case "?":
                        $el = "$k=$v";
                    case "~":
                        $el = "$k~$v";
                        $el = "=$k=$v";

                $last = ($i++ == $count - 1);
                $this->write($el, $last);

        return $this->read();

     * Standard destructor
     * @return void
    public function __destruct()

Kemudian kita buat file data.php untuk mendefinisikan parameter seperti IP router, port, username dan password MikroTik.

<?php require_once('routeros_api.class.php'); ?>

	$ip_mik = "";
	$port_mik = "8728";
	$username_mik = "imam";
	$password_mik = "imamsafi";

	$API = new RouterosAPI();
	$API->debug = false;
	if($API->connect($ip_mik, $port_mik, $username_mik, $password_mik)){		
		$ARRAY = $API->read();
		$data = $ARRAY; 
		echo "<script>{
				  icon: 'success',
				  title: 'Terhubung',
				  text: 'Berhasil Terhubung ke Mikrotik'
		$ConnectedFlag = true;
		echo "<script>{
				  icon: 'error',
				  title: 'Disconnect',
				  text: 'Tidak Dapat Terhubung ke Mikrotik',
				  footer: 'Periksa IP Port Username dan Password'

Jika program dijalankan maka akan tampil real-time monitoring seperti gambar dibawah ini. Kita juga bisa memilih interface mana yang akan kita monitoring.

Membuat Real-Time Monitoring MikroTik dengan PHP

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Source Code Real Time Monitoring MikroTik
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